Former Proud Boys Registered As Poll Workers In Miami-Dade County

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A man who allegedly rioted at Washington's capitol on January 6 as a Proud Boy was certified as a Miami-Dade County poll worker, according to the county's election department, per Local News 10.

“That’s right, you heard it right, I’m working the poll, cry some more liberals,” Gabriel Garcia, who is facing charges for his alleged involvement in the Capitol riots, said in a video obtained by the Miami New Times, bragging about his role as a poll worker.

Garcia is one among three men with ties to the Proud Boys, a far-right white nationalist group, who were signed up to work the polls in Miami-Dade.

According to the Miami-Dade County database of poll workers, Christopher Barcenas, who also attended the January 6 riots, is registered as a poll worker.

The New York Times reported that Barcenas formerly had ties to the white nationalist group.

Another man, Nowell Salgueiro, is also known to have been previously affiliated with the Proud Boys and is signed up to work the Miami-Dade polls.

When asked for comment this week, the Miami-Dade Deputy Department of Elections Supervisor said, “Poll workers are expected to remain impartial, nonpartisan, respectful, and professional while working an election. The conduct for which Gabriel Garcia has been indicted is inconsistent with these standards.”

Garcia has since been removed as a poll worker for this election cycle because of the federal charges he's facing.

Garcia told Local News 10 that he plans to explore legal action for his removal, citing that he remains innocent until proven guilty.

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