Biden Uses Debate Fly As A Way To Fundraise

One of the more comical moments from Wednesday night's debate occurred in the second half of the event. A precocious fly made its way on to Vice President Mike Pence's head and sat there. From time to time, it would fly away, but it always seemed to find its way back.

Somehow, the Vice President never seemed to notice it, but social media definitely did. As you can imagine, viewers got their jokes in early and often. From LeBron James to Jimmy Kimmel, everyone got their shots off on Vice President Mike Pence and his new friend.

Joining in on the fund, former Vice President Joe Biden had a few jokes of his own. While watching the debate, the Biden campaign put together a new fundraising tool, fly swatters. Yes, you read that correctly. The Biden campaign is now selling fly swatters that reads, "Truth over flies," on the handle.

Biden introduced the new fundraising product with a tweet that read, "Pitch in $5 to help this campaign fly." He then followed up with a new website link,

The introduction of Biden-Harris fly swatter is the comical cap to what was a more tame debate in Salt Lake City. Next week, the former Vice President and President are scheduled to take part in a virtual debate in Miami, Florida on October 15. However, members of President Donald Trump's team have already raised issue with debate being moved to a virtual format. With the event eight days away, there is a lot that can happen.

Photo: Getty Images

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